Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health

undefinedLead people 

Pierre Ongolo Zogo,
Lawrence Mbuagbaw 


Main interests

Promotion of evidence-based decision making, production and dissemination of scientific publications (policy briefs, systematic reviews, evidence assessment, rapid responses, newsletters and internet content) on local health issues.

Consortium work areas 

  • We translate abstracts of systematic reviews into French to enrich and improve evidence availability in the French language.
  • We produce evidence assessments of Cochrane Reviews on high priority health issues.
  • We establish evidence-based practice task forces in health facilities to coordinate demand and supply of evidence in health care.
  • We also provide training and support for health personnel, media and members of civil society on evidence-based healthcare, clinical trials and systematic reviews.

Current projects 

Access to Medicine: This project aims to improve access to medicine for non-communicable chronic diseases in Cameroon, such as hypertension, diabetes, prostate cancer and breast cancer. It works through the national medical observatory, a platform facilitated by the CDBPH, to ensure the documentation and the communication of information’s on the medicines in Cameroon. 

Policy buddies: In this project, we enhance policymakers' capacity to ask for and use systematic review evidence to inform policies; and researchers' capacities to respond to policymakers needs. This project is conducted in South-Africa and Cameroon at the regional level.





Pierre Ongolo Zogo 

Head of the CDBPH, 
Coordinator of the EHCRC 

Lawrence Mbuagbaw

Research methods 

Christine Danielle Evina

Librarian, research assistant 
and literature search

Marius Vouking

Public health administrator
and research assistant