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EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence Summit 2017

Monday, 11 Sep 2017


The Global Evidence Summit (13-16th Sept 2017) will be the first time that CochraneThe Campbell CollaborationGuidelines International NetworkInternational Society for Evidence-based Health Care, and Joanna Briggs Institute have joined forces to create this premiere event in evidence-based policy. The theme of the Summit is ‘Using evidence. Improving lives’ and aims to advance the use of reliable research evidence in addressing some of the world’s most serious health and social challenges.

The EHCRC partners are delighted to be attending, partaking, and contributing to the Summit. Listed below are details of the presentations, workshops, and poster presentations that the EHCRC partners will be involved in.



  • Evidence to action: Start with the action

    This session is linked to Plenary 1: EVIDENCE FOR AFRICA: How evidence is changing communities across one continent

    Location: Auditorium 1
    Wednesday 13 Sept - 16:00 to 17:30

    How to ensure that research and evidence synthesis results make a difference? The Consortium for Effective Health Care, going back 20 years, has a single performance indicator that our funder measures us on: To increase the number of decisions in the health sector based on reliable evidence. To achieve this, we start with the action or decision that is anticipated and uses this to steer our priorities. It’s important to actively consider our customers’ needs to inform review portfolios, informing which reviews are done, and how they are done, in relation to the emerging policy windows. There are times too when the science and the evidence may need to challenge the beliefs, and influencing decisions in these areas is more complicated.  

    A variety of presenters and projects will share our work and their experiences.



  • Primer in systematic reviews: enhancing capacity to find, appraise, interpret and use systematic reviews
    Short oral session 1: Improving conduct and reporting of evidence synthesis (Cochrane South Africa)
    Meeting Room 1.43
    Wednesday 13 Sept - 11:00 to 12:30


  • Assessment of reporting of evidence-based healthcare (EBHC) e-learning interventions in included studies of a Campbell systematic review
    Short oral session 1: Improving conduct and reporting of evidence synthesis (Cochrane South Africa)
    Meeting Room 1.43
    Wednesday 13 Sept - 11:00 to 12:30


  • What can evidence-based education and healthcare learn from each other?
    Special session (Cochrane EPOC)
    Roof Terrace Room
    Wednesday 13 Sept - 16:00 to 17:30



  • Key concepts for teaching critical appraisal and critical thinking
    Workshop (Cochrane EPOC)
    Location: Meeting Room 2.64-2.65
    Thursday 14 Sept - 14:00 to 15:30


  • Too many reviews to update, not enough time or resources! A workshop on prioritising and tools to update reviews.
    Workshop session 5: Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group (CIDG)
    Meeting Room 2.63
    Thursday 14 Sept - 14:00 to 15:30



  • Cochrane as a knowledge commons: an institutional analysis
    Long oral session 19: Linked data & data sharing (CIDG)
    Meeting Room 1.44
    Friday 15 Sept - 11:00 to 12:30



Poster presentations (Centre for Evidence-based Health Care)

  • Research integrity in low- and middle income countries: systematic review of prevalence of poor authorship practice, plagiarism and other misconduct

  • Combination antiretroviral treatment in PMTCT programmes; 6-week HIV prevalence, and relationship to time of starting ART and mixed feeding

  • Evaluating a suite of HIV Cochrane reviews

  • What we’re learning about evidence-informed policymaking: researchers’ perspectives on advocating for evidence in Africa

  • Reduce and recycle: examining relevant, existing synthesised evidence to avoid research waste and refine the preparation of new systematic review

  • Measuring behavioral change outcomes in development aid: a call for standardization to improve the evidence synthesis

  • Assessing the additional impact of grey literature studies on a WASH Systematic Review of behaviour change promotional approach interventions

  • Challenges faced and lessons learned from doing overviews of systematic reviews of complex interventions

  • How connected is Academia? Using Social Network Analysis as a tool to map decision-maker engagement and policy influence

  • Developing clinical practice guidelines for low-to-middle income countries: methods, experiences and lesson learnt in adapting, adopting or contextualising existing CPGs

  • Parenteral glutamine supplementation in critically ill adults: an approach to support evidence-informed decision-making by a national Essential Medicines List (EML) Expert Committee


The full schedule of the Global Evidence Summit is available here: https://www.globalevidencesummit.org/signup/d/2017-09-13