Maintaining relevance in HIV systematic reviews: an evaluation of Cochrane reviews Ingrid Eshun-Wilson, Shahista Jaffer,Rhodine Smith,Samuel Johnson,Paul Hine,Alberto Mateo, Anne-Marie Stephani,Paul Garner
Published February 2019
Being HIV positive and staying on antiretroviral therapy in Africa: A qualitative systematic review and theoretical model Ingrid Eshun-Wilson,Anke Rohwer,Lynn Hendricks,Sandy Oliver,Paul Garner
Published January 2019
Researcher and policymaker dialogue: the Policy BUDDIES Project in Western Cape Province, South Africa Taryn Young, Jessica C Shearer, Celeste Naude,Tamara Kredo, Charles S Wiysonge, Paul Garner
Published December 2018
Plagiarism in research: a survey of African medical journals Anke Rohwer, Elizabeth Wager, Taryn Young, Paul Garner
Published November 2018
Community-based supplementary feeding for food insecure,vulnerable and malnourished populations - an overview ofsystematic reviews Janicke Visser, Milla H McLachlan, Nicola Maayan, Paul Garner
Published November 2018
Foodborne and Food-Handler Norovirus Outbreaks: A Systematic Review Joanne L. Hardstaff, Helen E. Clough, Vittoria Lutje, K. Marie McIntyre, John P. Harris, Paul Garner, Sarah J. O’Brien
Published August 2018
Revision of the ARRIVE guidelines: rationale and scope Nathalie Percie du Sert, Viki Hurst, Amrita Ahluwalia,Sabina Alam, Douglas G Altman, Marc T Avey,Monya Baker, William Browne, Alejandra Clark, Innes C Cuthill, Ulrich Dirnagl, Michael Emerson,Paul Garner, David W Howells, Natasha A Karp,Catriona J MacCallum, Malcolm Macleod, Ole Petersen,Frances Rawle, Penny Reynolds, Kieron Rooney, Emily S Sena, Shai D Silberberg, Thomas Steckler, Hanno Würbel, Stephen T Holgate
Published June 2018
Effects of Iodized Salt and Iodine Supplements on Prenatal and Postnatal Growth: A Systematic Review Jessica Farebrother,Celeste E Naude,Liesl Nicol,Zhongna Sang,Zhenyu Yang,Pieter L Jooste,Maria Andersson,Michael B Zimmermann
Published May 2018
Sexual transmission of Hepatitis C Virus infection in a hetereosexual population: A systematic review Wuytack F, Lutje V, Jakobsen JC, Weiss KH, Flanagan P, Gethin G, Murphy L, Smyth S, Devane D, Smith V
Published March 2018
Nurse led home-based care for people with HIV/AIDS Wood EM, Zani B, Esterhuizen T M, Young T
Published March 2018
Is childhood wheeze and asthma in Latin America associated with poor hygiene and infection? A systematic review Ardura-Garcia C, Garner P, Cooper PJ
Published February 2018
Evidence and strategies for malaria prevention and control: a historical analysis Gachelin G, Garner G, Ferroni E, Verhave JP, Opinel A
Published February 2018
Developing prehospital clinical practice guidelines for resource limited settings: why re-invent the wheel? McCaul M, de Waal B, Hodkinson P, Pigoga J L,Young T and Wallis L A
Published February 2018
Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis: A technical summary L Grobler L, Durao S, van der Merwe S M, Wessels J, Naude C
Published January 2018
Clinical practice guidelines in India: Quality appraisal and the use of evidence in their development Bhaumik S, Jagadesh S, Elattar M, Kohli N, Reidha M, Moi M Published January 2018
Developing Evidence to Decision Frameworks and an Interactive Evidence to Decision Tool for Making and Using Decisions and Recommendations in Health Care Rosenbaum SE, Moberg J, Glenton C, Schünemann HJ, Lewin S, Akl E, Mustafa RA, Morelli A, Vogel JP, Alonso-Coello P, Rada G, Vásquez J, Parmelli E, Gülmezoglu AM, Flottorp SA, Oxman AD
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings–paper 7: understanding the potential impacts of dissemination bias Booth A, Lewin S, Glenton C, Munthe-Kaas H, Toews I, Noyes J, Rashidian A, Berg RC, Nyakang’o B, Meerpohl JJ
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings–paper 6: how to assess relevance of the data Noyes J, Booth A, Lewin S, Carlsen B, Glenton C, Colvin CJ, Garside R, Bohren MA, Rashidian A, Wainwright M, Tunçalp Ö, Chandler J, Flottorp S, Pantoja T, Tucker JD, Munthe-Kaas H
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings—paper 5: how to assess adequacy of data. Glenton C, Carlsen B, Lewin S, Munthe-Kaas H, Colvin CJ, Tunçalp Ö, Bohren MA, Noyes J, Booth A, Garside R, Rashisian A, Flottorp S, Wainwright M
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings—paper 4: how to assess coherence Colvin CJ, Garside R, Wainwright M, Munthe-Kaas H, Glenton C, Bohren MA, Carlsen C, Tunçalp Ö, Noyes J, Booth A, Rashisian A, Flottorp S, Lewin S
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings—paper 3: how to assess methodological limitations Munthe-Kaas H, Bohren MA, Glenton C, Lewin S, Noyes J, Tunçalp Ö, Booth A, Garside R, Colvin CJ, Wainwright M, Rashidian A, Flottorp S, Carlsen B
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings—paper 2: how to make an overall CERQual assessment of confidence and create a Summary of Qualitative Findings table Lewin S, Bohren M, Rashidian A, Munthe-Kaas H, Glenton C, Colvin CJ, Garside R, Noyes J, Booth , Tunçalp Ö, Wainwright M, Flottorp S, Tucker JD, Carsen B
Published January 2018
Applying GRADE-CERQual to qualitative evidence synthesis findings: introduction to the series Lewin S, Booth A, Glenton C, Munthe-Kaas H, Rashidian A, Wainwright M, Bohren MA, Tunçalp Ö, Colvin CJ, Garside R, Carlsen B, Langlois E, Noyes H
Published January 2018
Authorship, plagiarism and conflict of interest: views and practices from low/middle-income country health researchers Rohwer A, Young T, Wager L, Garner P
Published November 2017
Deaths and parasuicides associated with mefloquine chemoprophylaxis: A systematic review Tickell-Painter M, Saunders R, Maayan N, Lutje V, Mateo-Urdiales A, Garner P
Published October 2017
The Cochrane Collaboration: institutional analysis of a knowledge commons Heywood P, Stephani AM, Garner P
Published 11 October 2017
WHO advises blanket anti-worming treatment for children despite lack of benefit Nigel Hawkes
Published October 2017
Core competencies for scientific editors of biomedical journals: consensus statement David Moher, James Galipeau, Sabina Alam, Virginia Barbour, Kidist Bartolomeos, Patricia Baskin, Sally Bell-Syer, Kelly D. Cobey, Leighton Chan, Jocalyn Clark, Jonathan Deeks, Annette Flanagin, Paul Garner, Anne-Marie Glenny, Trish Groves, Kurinchi Gurusamy, Farrokh Habibzadeh, Stefanie Jewell-Thomas, Diane Kelsall, José Florencio Lapeña Jr, Harriet MacLehose, Ana Marusic, Joanne E. McKenzie, Jay Shah, Larissa Shamseer, Sharon Straus, Peter Tugwell, Elizabeth Wager, Margaret Winker and Getu Zhaori
Published September 2017
Safety of primaquine given to people with G6PD deficiency: systematic review of prospective studies Uthman OA, Graves PM, Saunders R, Gelband H, Richardson M, Garner P
Published August 2017
Identification of preliminary core outcome domains for communication about childhood vaccination: An online Delphi survey Kaufman J, Ryan R, Ames H, Bosch-Capblanch X, Cartier Y, Cliff J, Glenton C, Lewin S, Muloliwa AM, Oku A, Oyo-Ita A, Rada G, Hill S
Published August 2017
Developing guidelines in low-income and middle-income countries: lessons from Kenya English M, Irimu G, Nyamai R, Were F, Garner P, Opiyo N
Published July 2017
Using the COMMVAC taxonomy to map vaccination communication interventions in Mozambique Muloliwa AM, Cliff J, Oku A, Oyo-Ita A, Glenton C, Ames H, Kaufman K, Hill S, Cartier Y, Bosch-Capblanch X, Rada G, Lewin S
Published June 2017
Index-TB Guidelines: Guidelines on extrapulmonary tuberculosis for India
Sharma SK, Ryan H, Khaparde S, Sachdeva KS, Singh AD, Mohan A, Sarin R, Paramasivan CN, Kumar P, Nischal N, Khatiwada S, Garner P, Tharyan P
Published April 2017
More fat in fire as researchers hit back at Noakes The Times (Cape Edition)
Published March 2017
The impact of mass deworming programmes on schooling and economic development: an appraisal of long-term studies Jullien S, Sinclair D, Garner P
Published February 2017
Campbell replication confirms little or no effect of community deworming [Commment] Taylor-Robinson D, Garner P
Published January 2017
Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers in the UK: appraisal of systematic reviews and policy options Kliner M, Keenan A, Sinclair D, Sam G, Garner P
Published July 2016
When and how to update systematic reviews: consensus and checklist Garner P, Hopewell S, Chandler J, MacLehose H, Schünemann HJ, Akl EA, Beyene J, Chang S, Churchill R, Dearness K, Guyatt G, Lefebvre C, Liles B, Marshall R, Martínez García L, Mavergames C, Nasser M, Qaseem A, Sampson M, Soares-Weiser K, Takwoingi Y, Thabane L, Trivella M, Tugwell P, Emma Welsh E, Wilson EC
Published July 2016
Discordant immune response with antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1: a systematic review of clinical outcomes Kelly C, Gaskell KM, Richardson M, Klein N, Garner P, MacPherson P
Published June 2016
Addressing resistance to antibiotics in systematic reviews of antibiotic interventions Leibovici L, Paul M, Garner P, Sinclair DJ, Afshari A, Leon Pace N, Cullum N, Williams HC, Smyth A, Skoetz N, Del Mar C, Schilder AGM, Yahav D, Tovey D
Published May 2016
Why over-treating malaria in Africa is a problem, and how it can be stopped Ochodo E
Published April 2016
Cluster randomised trials in Cochrane Reviews: evaluation of methodological and reporting practice Richardson M, Garner P, Donegan S
Published March 2016
Achieving universal testing for malaria Ochodo E, Garner P, Sinclair D
Published February 2016

The Selection and Use of Essential Medicines
Report of the WHO Expert Committee, 2015 (including the 19th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and the 5th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines for Children)
Published 2015

Rapid diagnostic testing for Plasmodium vivax and nonfalciparum malaria in endemic areas Takwoingi Y, Abba K, Garner P
Published September 2015
Effects of MVA85A vaccine on tuberculosis challenge in animals: systematic review Kashangura R, Sena ES, Young T, Garner G
Published September 2015
Extending the PRISMA statement to equity-focused systematic reviews (PRISMA-E 2012): explanation and elaboration Welch V, Petticrew M, Petkovic J, Moher D, Waters E, White H, Tugwell P; the PRISMA-Equity Bellagio Group
Published September 2015
Health and beyond...strategies for a better India: using the "prison window" to reach disadvantaged groups in primary care Bhaumik S, Mathew RJ
Published July 2015
Oral nifedipine versus intravenous labetalol for severe hypertension during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Shekhar S, Gupta N, Kirubakaran R, Pareek P
Published June 2015

Review on researches and projects on the needs and demands for sexual and reproductive health of young people in China Li Y, Jiao N, Jiang H, Tan H, Qian X
Published May 2015
Effect of ghrelin on mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in experimental rat and mice models of heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis Khatib MN, Shankar A, Kirubakaran R, Agho K, Simkhada P, Gaidhane S, Saxena D, Unnikrishnan B, Gode D, Gaidhane A, Zahiruddin SQ
Published May 2015
Effectiveness of peer support for improving glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Qi L, Liu Q, Qi X, Wu N, Tang W, Xiong H
Published May 2015

The effectiveness of appropriate technologies for the emergency treatment in postpartum hemorrhage in China: A systematic review Qi L, Liu Q, Qi X, Wu N, Tang W, Xiong H
Published May 2015
The emergency physician's assessment of suicide risk in intentional self-poisoning using the modified SAD PERSONS scale versus standard psychiatric evaluation in a general hospital in South India Chandramouleeswaran S, Edwin CE, Victor PJ, Tharyan P
Published January 2015
Representation of women as editors in the Cochrane collaboration Bhaumik S, Mathew RJ
Published December 2014
Preventing malaria in international travellers: an evaluation of published English-language guidelines Kliner M, Poole K, Sinclair D, Garner P
Published November 2014
Low carbohydrate versus isoenergetic balanced diets for reducing weight and cardiovascular risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis Naude CE, Schoonees A, Senekal M, Young T, Garner P, Volmink J
Published July 2014
Cochrane in context: Honey for acute cough in children (Commentary) Oduwole O, Meremikwu MM, Oyo-Ita A, Udoh EE
Published June 2014
Diagnostic accuracy of the WHO clinical staging system for defining eligibility for ART in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis Munthali C, Taegtmeyer M, Garner P, Lalloo DG, Squire SB, Corbett EL, Ford N, MacPherson P
Published June 2014
Safety of 8-aminoquinolines given to people with G6PD deficiency: protocol for systematic review of prospecitve studies Uthman OA, Saunders R, Sinclair D, Graves P, Gelband H, Clarke A, Garner P
Published May 2014
Reading systematic reviews to answer clinical questions Rohwer A, Garner P, Young T
Published April 2014
Rifampicin compared to isoniazid for preventing active TB in HIV-negative people at risk of developing active TB: Implications for public health Sudarsanam TD, Tharyan P
Published April 2014
Immediate fluid management of children with severe febrile illness and signs of impaired circulation in low-income settings: a contextualised systematic review Opiyo N, Molyneux E, Sinclair D, Garner P, English M
Published April 2014

The impact of pyrethroid resistance on the efficacy of insecticide-treated bed nets against African anopheline mosquitoes: systematic review and meta-analysis Strode C, Donegan S, Garner P, Enayati AA, Hemingway J
Published March 2014
Chapter 16: Evidence-based decision making and management. In: Youping Li (editor). Evidence-based medicine ("Twelfth five-year" national planning materials of undergraduate course of common higher education). 3rd edition. Higher Education Press. Beijing, 2014.
Cochrane and capacity building in low-and middle-income countries: where are we at? Young T, Garner, P, Kredo T, Mbuagbaw L, Tharyan P, Volmink J
Published November 2013
Introducing conceptual and analytical clarity on dimensions of complexity in systematic reviews of complex interventions Tharyan P
Published November 2013
Health-care information: access or implementation? - Authors' reply Bhaumik S, Pakenham-Walshe N, Chatterjee P, Biswas T
Published November 2013
Can India end the corruption in nurses' training? Bhaumik S
Published November 2013
Cochrane Editorial: Cochrane and Wikipedia: the collaborative potential for a quantum leap in the dissemination and uptake of trusted evidence Mathew M, Joseph A, Heilman J, Tharyan P
Published October 2013

Prioritization of Themes and Research Questions for Health Outcomes in Natural Disasters, Humanitarian Crises or Other Major Healthcare Emergencies Evidence Aid Priority Setting Group (EAPSG)
Published October 2013
Comparison between peer-led and teacher-led education in tuberculosis prevention in rural middle schools in Chongqing, China Liu Q, Liu L, Vu H, Liu X, Tang S, Wang H
Published October 2013
Utilization of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in health facilities of Cross River State, Nigeria Esu E, Effa E, Udoh E, Oduwole O, Odey F, Chibuzor M, Oyo-Ita A, Meremikwau M
Published September 2013
Evidence review of hydroxyurea for the prevention of sickle cell complications in low-income countries Mulaku M, Opiyo N, Karumbi J, Kitonyi G, Thoithi G, English M
Published August 2013
Governments are legally obliged to ensure adequate access to health information Bhaumik S, Pakenham-Walsh N, Chatterjee P, Biswas T
Published August 2013