UPDATE Oral zinc for treating diarrhoea in children Lazzerini M, Wanzira H

UPDATE Polymer-based oral rehydration solution for treating acute watery diarrhoea Gregorio GV, Gonzales MLM, Dans LF, Martinez EG

UPDATE Efavirenz or nevirapine in three-drug combination therapy with two nucleoside or nucleotide-reverse transcriptase inhibitors for initial treatment of HIV infection in antiretroviral-naïve individuals Mbuagbaw L, Mursleen S, Irlam JH, Spaulding AB, Rutherford GW, Siegfried N

NEW Vitamin D supplementation for preventing infections in children under five years of age Yakoob MY, Salam RA, Khan FR, Bhutta ZA

NEW School-based interventions for preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents Mason-Jones AJ, Sinclair D, Mathews C, Kagee A, Hillman A, Lombard C

NEW Six-month therapy for abdominal tuberculosis Jullien S, Jain S, Ryan H, Ahuja V

UPDATE GenoType® MTBDRsl assay for resistance to second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs Theron G, Peter J, Richardson M, Warren R, Dheda K, Steingart KR

NEW Six months therapy for tuberculous meningitis Jullien S, Ryan H, Modi M, Bhatia R

NEW Public stewardship of private for-profit healthcare providers in low- and middle-income countries Wiysonge CS, Abdullahi LH, Ndze VN, Hussey GD

UPDATE Routine vitamin A supplementation for the prevention of blindness due to measles infection in children Bello S, Meremikwu MM, Ejemot-Nwadiaro RI, Oduwole O

UPDATE Interventions for improving coverage of childhood immunisation in low- and middle-income countries Oyo-Ita A, Wiysonge CS, Oringanje C, Nwachukwu CE, Oduwole O, Meremikwu MM

UPDATE Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis Grobler L, Nagpal S, Sudarsanam TD, Sinclair D

NEW Antibiotics for treating septic abortion Udoh A, Effa EE, Oduwole O, Okusanya BO, Okafo O

NEW Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) strategy for children under five Gera T, Shah D, Garner P, Richardson M, Sachdev HS

NEW Fixed-dose combinations of drugs versus single-drug formulations for treating pulmonary tuberculosis Gallardo CR, Rigau Comas D, Valderrama Rodríguez A, Roqué i Figuls M, Parker LA, Caylà J, Bonfill Cosp X

NEW Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay for detecting active tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults Shah M, Hanrahan C, Wang ZY, Dendukuri N, Lawn SD, Denkinger CM, Steingart KR

UPDATE Corticosteroids for managing tuberculous meningitis Prasad K, Singh MB, Ryan H

UPDATE Antihelminthics in helminth-endemic areas: effects on HIV disease progression Rubin Means A, Burns P, Sinclair D, Walson JL

UPDATE Oral iron supplements for children in malaria-endemic areas Neuberger A, Okebe J, Yahav D, Paul M

NEW Brief school-based interventions and behavioural outcomes for substance-using adolescents Carney T, Myers BJ, Louw J, Okwundu CI
NEW Ivermectin versus albendazole or thiabendazole for Strongyloides stercoralis infection Henriquez-Camacho C, Gotuzzo E, Echevarria J, White Jr AC, Terashima A, Samalvides F, Pérez-Molina JA, Plana MN