
NEW Antidepressants for depression in adults with HIV infection Eshun‐Wilson I, Siegfried N, Akena DH, Stein DJ, Obuku EA, Joska JA

UPDATE Vitamin A supplements for reducing mother-to-child HIV transmission Wiysonge CS, Ndze VN, Kongnyuy EJ, Shey MS

UPDATE Isoniazid for preventing tuberculosis in HIV-infected children Zunza M, Gray DM, Young T, Cotton M, Zar HJ

NEW Interleukin-2 as an adjunct to antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive adults Onwumeh J, Okwundu CI, Kredo T

UPDATE Micronutrient supplementation in adults with HIV infection Visser ME, Durao S, Sinclair D, Irlam JH, Siegfried N

NEW Psychosocial group interventions to improve psychological well-being in adults living with HIV van der Heijden I, Abrahams N, Sinclair D

UPDATE Efavirenz or nevirapine in three-drug combination therapy with two nucleoside or nucleotide-reverse transcriptase inhibitors for initial treatment of HIV infection in antiretroviral-naïve individuals Mbuagbaw L, Mursleen S, Irlam JH, Spaulding AB, Rutherford GW, Siegfried N

NEW School-based interventions for preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents Mason-Jones AJ, Sinclair D, Mathews C, Kagee A, Hillman A, Lombard C

UPDATE Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay for detecting active tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults Shah M, Hanrahan C, Wang ZY, Dendukuri N, Lawn SD, Denkinger CM, Steingart KR

UPDATE Antihelminthics in helminth-endemic areas: effects on HIV disease progression Rubin Means A, Burns P, Sinclair D, Walson JL

NEW Task shifting from doctors to non-doctors for initiation and maintenance of antiretroviral therapy Kredo T, Adeniyi FB, Bateganya M, Pienaar ED

UPDATE Strategies for partner notification for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV Ferreira A, Young T, Mathews C, Zunza M, Low N

UPDATE Rifamycins (rifampicin, rifabutin and rifapentine) compared to isoniazid for preventing tuberculosis in HIV-negative people at risk of active TB Sharma SK, Sharma A, Kadhiravan T, Tharyan P

NEW Intermittent preventive treatment regimens for malaria in HIV-positive pregnant women Mathanga DP, Uthman OA, Chinkhumba J
UPDATE Male circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men Siegfried N, Muller M, Deeks JJ, Volmink J