
NEW Factors that influence the provision of intrapartum and postnatal care by skilled birth attendants in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative evidence synthesis Munabi-Babigumira S, Glenton C, Lewin S, Fretheim A, Nabudere H

UPDATE Selective versus routine use of episiotomy for vaginal birth Jiang H, Qian X, Carroli G, Garner P

NEW Antibiotics for treating septic abortion Udoh A, Effa EE, Oduwole O, Okusanya BO, Okafo O

NEW Health system and community level interventions for improving antenatal care coverage and health outcomes Mbuagbaw L, Medley N, Darzi AJ, Richardson M, Habiba Garga K, Ongolo-Zogo P

UPDATE Drugs for preventing malaria in pregnant women in endemic areas: any drug regimen versus placebo or no treatment Radeva-Petrova D, Kayentao K, ter Kuile FO, Sinclair D, Garner P

NEW Extra fluids for breastfeeding mothers for increasing milk production Ndikom CM, Fawole B, Ilesanmi RE
NEW Ovulation triggers in anovulatory women undergoing ovulation induction George K, Kamath MS, Nair R, Tharyan P

NEW Prophylactic versus selective blood transfusion for sickle cell disease in pregnancy Okusanya BO, Oladapo OT