
NEW Interventions to increase tuberculosis case detection at primary healthcare or community-level services Mhimbira FA, Cuevas LE, Dacombe R, Mkopi A, Sinclair D

UPDATE Interventions for treating tuberculous pericarditis Wiysonge C S, Ntsekhe M, Thabane L, Volmink J, Majombozi D, Gumedze F, Pandie S, Mayosi B M

UPDATE Isoniazid for preventing tuberculosis in HIV-infected children Zunza M, Gray DM, Young T, Cotton M, Zar HJ

UPDATE Corticosteroids for tuberculous pleurisy Ryan H, Yoo J, Darsini P

NEW Six-month therapy for abdominal tuberculosis Jullien S, Jain S, Ryan H, Ahuja V

UPDATE GenoType® MTBDRsl assay for resistance to second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs Theron G, Peter J, Richardson M, Warren R, Dheda K, Steingart KR

NEW Six months therapy for tuberculous meningitis Jullien S, Ryan H, Modi M, Bhatia R

UPDATE Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis Grobler L, Nagpal S, Sudarsanam TD, Sinclair D

NEW Fixed-dose combinations of drugs versus single-drug formulations for treating pulmonary tuberculosis Gallardo CR, Rigau Comas D, Valderrama Rodríguez A, Roqué i Figuls M, Parker LA, Caylà J, Bonfill Cosp X

NEW Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay for detecting active tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults Shah M, Hanrahan C, Wang ZY, Dendukuri N, Lawn SD, Denkinger CM, Steingart KR

UPDATE Corticosteroids for managing tuberculous meningitis Prasad K, Singh MB, Ryan H

UPDATE Incentives and enablers to improve adherence in tuberculosis Lutge EE, Wiysonge CS, Knight SE, Sinclair D, Volmink J

UPDATE Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis Karumbi J, Garner P

NEW Adjunctive steroid therapy for managing pulmonary tuberculosis Critchley JA, Orton LC, Pearson F

NEW Reminder systems to improve patient adherence to tuberculosis clinic appointments for diagnosis and treatment Liu Q, Abba K, Alejandria MM, Sinclair D, Balanag VM, Lansang MAD

NEW The diagnostic accuracy of the GenoType® MTBDRsl assay for the detection of resistance to second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs Theron G, Peter J, Richardson M, Barnard M, Donegan S, Warren R, Steingart KR, Dheda K
View current version (8 September 2016)

NEW Antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing post solid organ transplant tuberculosis Adamu B, Abdu A, Abba AA, Borodo MM, Tleyjeh IM

NEW Intermittent versus daily therapy for treating tuberculosis in children Bose A, Kalita S, ROse W, Tharyan P

UPDATE Xpert ® MTB/RIF assay for pulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance in adults Steingart KR, Schiller I, Home Dj, Pai M, Boehme CC, Dendukuri N

NEW Rifamycins (rifampicin, rifabutin and rifapentine) compared to isoniazid for preventing tuberculosis in HIV-negative people at risk of active TB Sharma SK, Sharma A, Kadhiravan T, Tharyan P

UPDATE Fluoroquinolones for treating tuberculosis (presumed drug-sensitive) Ziganshina LE, Titarenko AF, Davies GR

NEW Treating BCG-induced disease in children Cuello-García CA, Pérez-Gaxiola G, Jiménez Gutiérrez C

NEW Patient education and counselling for promoting adherence to treatment for tuberculosis M'Imunya JM, Kredo T, Volmink J

NEW Material incentives and enablers in the management of tuberculosis Lutge EE, Wiysonge CS, Knight SE, Volmink J

UPDATE Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis Sinclair D, Abba k, Grobler L, Sudarsanam TD

NEW Active case finding in contacts of people with tuberculosis Fox GJ, Dobler CC, Marks GB