Professor Paul Garner talks to delegates at the African Research Collaboration in Tanzania on the important process of adapting global guidelines at country level 2 May 2019 |
Mefloquine is one of four antimalarial agents commonly recommended for preventing malaria in travellers to malaria-endemic areas. Despite its high efficacy, there is controversy about its psychological side effects. In this short video, Cochrane author Dr Maya Tickell-Painter, talks about the effectiveness and side effects of mefloquine following the publication of two reviews:
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence SummitSpecial Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action 'Introduction to the Effective Health Care Research Consortium' Speaker: Professor Paul Garner, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Co-ordinating Editor, Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group Director, Effective Health Care Research Consortium 13-16 September 2017 |
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence SummitSpecial Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action 'HIV and qualitative synthesis' Speaker: Dr Ingrid Wilson, HIV clinician and researcher in Cape Town, and HIV Cochrane Editor 13-16 September 2017 |
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence Summit
Special Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action ‘Malaria chemotherapy guidelines: partnership to improve policy’ Speaker: Dr Joseph Okebe, clinician and malaria research specialist in The Gambia, and malaria Cochrane Editor 13-16 September 2017 |
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence SummitSpecial Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action ‘Mass drug deworming: improves a country’s economic development'? Speaker: Dr Sophie Jullien, paediatrician working in Bhutan and Cochrane Author 13-16 September 2017 |
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence SummitSpecial Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action ‘INDEX-TB guidelines: India leads standards in extrapulmonary TB’ Speakers: Dr Neerja Nischal, Assistant Professor at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, with Dr Hannah Ryan, TB Cochrane Editor 13-16 September 2017 |
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence SummitSpecial Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action ‘MVA85A TB vaccine trial in animals: used in translation decisions’? Speaker: Dr Rufaro Kashangura, medical officer in Swaziland and Cochrane Author 13-16 September 2017 |
EHCRC partners at the Global Evidence SummitSpecial Session: Evidence to action: Start with the action Summary of key points: Speaker: Professor Paul Garner, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Centre for Evidence Synthesis,Co-ordinating Editor, Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group, Director, Effective Health Care Research Consortium Speaker: Professor Taryn Young, Head: Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 13-16 September 2017 |
Campbell-Cochrane and Government of India debate the National Deworming Programme in India in the light of the research evidence11 July 2017 |
Cochrane and WHO meet in Geneva, April 201727 June 2017 |
Evidence for population health improvement: can genomics help?George Davey Smith, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 15 March 2017
Medical Journals and the Medicalization of Global HealthJocalyn Clark, Executive Editor at The Lancet Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 15 February 2017
Systematic reviews: what have they ever done for global health?Professor Paul Garner, Centre for Evidence Synthesis in Global Health, LSTM Global Health Seminar Series, Medical and Health Sciences Faculty, Stellenbosch University: January 2017 |
Systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy in infectious diseasesMariska Leeflang from the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at the University of Amsterdam Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 23 November 2016 |
AIDS: don’t die of prejudiceThe Right Honourable the Lord Fowler Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 31 October 2016 |
Why research integrity (RI) isn’t just ‘somebody else’s problem’Dr Liz Wager, Publications Consultant and Visiting Professor from the University of Split, School of Medicine Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 13 October 2016 |
Cochrane and evidence-informed healthcare in NepalDr Khem Karki, member secretary of the Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC), interviewed by Dr Prathap Tharyan, Director, Cochrane South Asia Balthali, Nepal: 1 July 2016 |
3ie London Evidence weekInterview with Professor Paul Garner, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, on the relevance of systematic reviews The Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative, London, 11-15 April 2016 |
Evidence-based charity: good idea or terrible idea?Caroline Fiennes, Director: Giving Evidence Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 17 February 2016 |
Uses and limits of research evidence in shaping global HIV policy and practiceDr Nathan Ford, Department of HIV/AIDS and Global Hepatitis Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Seminar Series: 3 February 2016 |
Leverhulme Lecture 2015: Ecstasies and agonies of evidence synthesis
Professor Jimmy Volmink Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), 17 November 2015 |
How to make a case for dewormingProfessor Paul Garner (LSTM) and Dr David Taylor Robinson (University of Liverpool) Breakout session from The Coalition for Operational Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases; Philadelphia, 22 October 2015 |
2014 Cochrane Colloquium - Plenary 4 - Capacity Development: Challenges & Innovations |
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Five reasons why you should be on a balanced diet and not bantingProfessor Jimmy Volmink and Dr Celeste Naude
Cochrane Profile: Prathap TharyanCochrane 20 Video Series, 4 September 2013
Systematic reviews and international development by Professor Paul GarnerHEART talks, posted on 14 May 2013
Twenty years of The Cochrane Collaboration: Looking back on the search for evidenceCochrane 20 Video Series, published on 10 January 2013
Malaria research: making an impact in Nigeria3 October 2011 Martin Meremikwu, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Calabar, Nigeria talks about his work on a Cochrane Systematic Review about giving drugs to help prevent malaria illness in young children living in malaria areas. He also describes how evidence-based research is influencing policy in Nigeria, and how the local media around Calabar are also recognising the importance of an evidence-base to inform the health care stories that they cover. He considers how the young staff at the University of Calabar are demanding high quality evidence-based research, partly as a result of their involvement in The Cochrane Collaboration. Professor Meremikwu is interviewed by Paul Garner, Director of the EHCRC and Co-ordinating Editor of the CIDG. |
Malaria research: making an impact in Uganda28 October 2011 Hasifa Bukirwa from Uganda, talks here about her work on Cochrane reviews in malaria treatment and how she then went on to run clinical trials in this area. Hasifa is now a Medical Epidemiologist, Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention. Her review of ‘LapDap’ (chlorproguanil-dapsone) helped clarify some of the adverse effects outlined in the early trials, and was used by the WHO in decisions about next steps with this drug. |
Global malaria policy: the impact of research synthesis15 August 2011 How accurate are rapid diagnostic tests in malaria? Piero Olliaro, Leader for Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases at the World Health Organization/Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (WHO/TDR) talks about how a Cochrane Systematic Review published in 2011 fits into the landscape of global malaria policy, and describes how evidence has influenced WHO malaria treatment recommendations for malaria treatment over the last 15 years. Dr. Olliaro talks to Paul Garner, Director of the EHCRC and Co-ordinating Editor of the CIDG. |
Saving lives: global expert on research and research synthesis in community child healthJuly 2011 Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Chair of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at Aga Khan University in Pakistan, talks about community child health evidence-based approaches in developing countries, and gives advice to aspiring health professionals interested in this area. Professor Bhutta is involved with 45 Cochrane Reviews, is internationally recognised as a leader in his field, and heads a research team. |
New edition of WHO Malaria Treatment Guidelines18 March 2010 Dr Peter Olumese from the WHO's Global Malaria Programme talks about the new edition of Malaria Treatment Guidelines.